I had a blog post on my to-do list about the insanity in Texas concerning the military exercise Jade Helm 15. The combination of misinformation, paranoia, and provocation is staggering.
Garden-variety people-who-like-to-scare-themselves are one thing, but to have a governor sic the state guard on the United States military, and then to have a senator and a member of the House of Representatives responding as if the studied provocation of the people-who-like-to-scare-themselves is a legitimate event about which to be concerned (thus validating the fears), is irresponsible. The people in charge (elected officials) are supposed to have some statesmanlike qualities, not encourage fringe fears.
Luckily for me, I don't have to rack my brain for cool, calm, low-key point-by-point explanations. Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station wrote a response to the stoked lunacy that is scathingly hilarious, and five-shots-in-the-center-of-the-bullseye accurate.
Jade Helm: The Insanity that Ate Texas
Look, maybe you haven't noticed, but we in the military are often called upon to operate in foreign lands, particularly in urban and suburban environments. How in the hell do you think we train for that? What? You think it’s just fucking magic? We get by on our charm and wholesome American looks? Do you have any idea what it takes to do what we do? Coordination, communication, navigation, talking to civilians, security, just finding your way around in a strange city, and a thousand other mundane things you've never thought of. How in the hell do you think we learn that?
You can't exactly send troops to Tehran to practice you know – well, you can, but it’s bound to get you talked about, especially that part involving, you know, military invasion of a foreign country. So we do it here, in our country, where we can concentrate on the skills necessary without being shot at - except given the rise in paranoid droolers here at home, maybe it would be easier to do it in a hostile foreign land. These days, Baghdad is far more sane and friendly than whatever the fuck is going on down there in Texas.
Honest to God, what the hell is wrong with you people?
But don't take my word for it, go on over there. Read the entire brilliant take-down of the alleged "patriots" who tell soldiers -- those service members they're always thanking for their service -- that they don't want them there at all (after 1:35).
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